Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan

About Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan

Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan is an Advocate before the Madras High Court and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court. He is qualified in Law, IT, Auditing, Accounting and Taxation. His specializations include Writ Jurisdiction, Cyber Law, Criminal Law, International Business and Cross Border Transactions. He is a Registered GST Practitioner, Trademark Attorney and he was educated by eminent professors from prestigious Universities in India (NLSIU, NUJS, ILI, GNLU, NLUD, TNDALU, AU, IICA etc) and abroad (ACCA, UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER , UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, WIPO Academy, Universiteit Leiden, Columbia University etc).

Navigating Landlord-Tenant Disputes – A Guide Under Civil Procedure Code In India

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. Many individuals in India face landlord-tenant disputes, which can be daunting. Understanding the Civil Procedure Code can help you navigate these issues effectively. This guide aims to provide a clear overview of the [...]

Adjudication Of Security Interests In Shares & Securities Under SARFAESI Act – How Does It Work?

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. Interests in shares and securities can be a tricky business when it comes to the SARFAESI Act. Understanding how adjudication of security interests in these assets works is crucial for anyone involved in [...]

By |2024-09-26T09:42:12+00:00September 26th, 2024|Civil Law, Law Students, Legal Guides|0 Comments

Understanding India’s Maritime Laws: A Comprehensive Guide to Anchoring Legal Clarity

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. With an expansive coastline and a thriving shipping industry, India's maritime laws play a pivotal role in facilitating safe and efficient maritime operations. He, she, and they will discover how these laws govern [...]

Understanding International Humanitarian Law: Key Principles, Historical Impact, and Modern Applications

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. It's necessary for individuals seeking to understand the framework of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to grasp its fundamental principles, historical evolution, and contemporary relevance. This body of law aims to mitigate the effects [...]

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Cyber Crimes

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, from healthcare to finance, with its ability to process vast amounts of data and automate complex tasks. However, as AI continues to advance, it also [...]

Rules and Regulations regarding Mines and Minerals in Tamil Nadu

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. Introduction Brief overview of the importance of mines and minerals in Tamil Nadu -Purpose of the blog post: to provide an overview of the rules and regulations governing mines and minerals in Tamil [...]

Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. I. Introduction The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has brought about a plethora of opportunities and challenges that were once confined to the realms of science fiction. As AI systems become [...]

International Treaties for protection of Intellectual Property Rights

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. Just as innovation drives creativity, the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) is necessary in safeguarding your creations. In this blog post, I will explore the various international treaties that provide a framework [...]

Comparison of Fundamental Rights guaranteed under Constitution of India and Constitution of United States of America

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. As you examine into the world of constitutional law, you'll discover that the concept of fundamental rights is a cornerstone of democracy. Both the Indian and American Constitutions enshrine these rights, but how [...]

The Impact Of Bilateral Treaties On Foreign Investments In India – Opportunities And Challenges

– Abul Kalam Azad Sulthan, Advocate, High Court of Judicature at Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court & Partner, Spicy Law Firm. With the growing significance of bilateral treaties in shaping global economic landscapes, understanding their implications for foreign investments in India becomes crucial for you as an investor or policymaker. These agreements can create [...]

By |2024-08-05T10:09:05+00:00August 5th, 2024|Business Law, Legal Guides, News|0 Comments
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